KHYAAAL- A campaign for dignity!

KHYAAAL is an initiative of SHINE NGO to spread awareness about menstrual health and hygiene. Menstruation is a biological process in the life of every woman and is as normal as breathing. Still, even in the modern times there are several myths associated with periods that are a question mark on entire humanity. We come across many period taboos that make the already painful process more painful for females.

Our Plan

In our campaign KHYAAAL Team SHINE NGO aims at eradicating the misconceptions about menstruation. Our team visits at different places, we organise short skits, dance, song to spread awareness about menstruation. We interact with the local people there to spread our message. Under KHYAAL, team also distributes free sanitary pads to women and girls telling them about its advantages and motivating them to remain hygienic during periods.


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